Summertime Sadness: Understanding and Managing Summertime Depression

Written By: Sally Charendoff LICSW, LCSW

When we think of the term Seasonal Affective Disorder, fittingly abbreviated to SAD, we may think of that dementor-esque depression that sucks the life out of us in the colder months. [Cut to melancholic 20-30 something rotting in bed under their musty duvet binging old episodes of Love Island UK whilst polishing off a sleeve of Oreos and impulsively buying Korean skin care products on amazon.] Sound familiar?

You might be asking yourself why you’re reading an article about SAD in the dead of summer when it’s a thousand degrees outside. Well friends, it turns out that SAD has a much hotter, less hungry, more irritable, counterpart: Summer SAD. She’s out of control and we need to talk about her.

What is Summertime SAD?

A woman sitting alone on the beach. Showing someone suffering from seasonal depression during summer in Washington DC. With depression therapy as treatment you can start to overcome SAD symptoms.

While “summer” SAD remains somewhat of a hot sweaty psychological mystery, we do know that the symptoms may vary depending on the time of year. People with winter SAD tend to oversleep and overeat whereas summer SAD is often characterized by symptoms of insomnia, restlessness, anxiety, and decreased appetite. “Summer SAD is more of an agitated depression,” says Dr. Norman Rosenthal, a psychiatrist and clinical professor of psychology at Georgetown University (Walker, 2021). According to the National Institute of Mental Health Information Resource Center, “SAD is a type of depression characterized by a recurrent seasonal pattern, with symptoms lasting about 4-5 months out of the year”.

Studies show that some of the same chemical messengers that help us regulate our moods, like norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine, have also been linked to regulating temperatures in the body (Walker, 2021). This may be why people presenting with summer SAD often report that they are extra bothered by heat and humidity. Tragic news for those of us residing in the DMV area, as DC was literally built on a swamp and experiencing the most intense heat wave since the dust bowl…

Another issue contributing to summertime SAD is the social pressure we feel when it’s warm out to “just have fun”. Your friends may be posting cute Instagram pictures of themselves and their loved ones at the beach having a blast on vacation. If you’re already feeling low this can contribute to feeling isolated and left out. To put it simply: FOMO makes SAD way worse.

So what to do about that su- su-summertime summertime sadness Oh, oh-oh,oh-oh…? Read on friends.

Five Hot Tips For Managing Summertime SAD:

1. Get a fan. Seriously.

While absorbing sunlight is generally good for our health and vitamin D levels, excessive heat and humidity can exacerbate feelings of discomfort. Make sure you are keeping your spaces cool and sit in the shade when possible. Remember those little handheld fans we used to use during soccer practice? Keep one in your purse, tote, or backpack. Keep a water bottle with you and stay hydrated throughout the day to prevent headaches. Taking cold showers can also help get your heart rate down when you’re feeling anxious and agitated.

A mother & daughter doing yoga together inside during summer. Representing one way a Washington DC therapist might suggest managing your seasonal depression symptoms. Excercise along with depression therapy, you can start to treat your symptoms.

2. Exercise

I know I know, exercising in this heat sounds terrible, but getting regular exercise can be a great tool for overcoming depression, increasing dopamine, working up an appetite and helping us get a good night’s sleep. If running or walking outside is too exhausting, going to a gym or working out at home can be good alternatives. If you need a body double to keep you motivated- ask a friend or family member to join you so you can hold each other accountable!

3. Practice good sleep hygiene

Insomnia is a common symptom of SAD because during the summertime our circadian rhythm can be thrown off. That said, having a consistent bedtime is important to help regulate your body’s internal clock. Try to go to bed at the same time every night and do your best to stay off screens at least one hour before bedtime. Engaging in activities that promote relaxation and mindfulness can also be helpful as you wind down in the evening such as yoga, meditation, or an evening stroll.

4. Social Media Detox

If scrolling Instagram and Snapchat is giving you a bad case of FOMO it might be a good idea to take a break from social media as this can exacerbate symptoms of SAD. Instead, seek out experiences that make you feel good like trying a new restaurant or recipe, listening to music, working out, or catching up with an old friend. When you’re feeling blue it can be hard to reach out, but staying connected to friends and family may really help when you’re in a rut.

A man sitting on a couch during depression therapy in DC. During a depression counseling session like this, you can learn to manage your seasonal depression. Which will let you enjoy your summers in Washington DC again.

5. Consider Depression Therapy in DC

If your symptoms of summertime sadness persist and are significantly impacting your daily life, consider reaching out to one of our depression therapists at The Sterling Group. Our depression therapists can help you navigate the summer blues virtually or in our brand-new air-conditioned office in person. Remember: you don’t have to go through this alone!

Start Depression Treatment for Summertime Sadness in DC

I hope this guide helps you understand how to manage Summertime SAD and take control of your mental health during the hotter months. Prioritizing self-care and understanding your emotional needs are essential steps toward feeling better. If you're ready to take the next step in overcoming Summertime Depression, consider depression treatment. At The Sterling Group in Washington, DC, we offer compassionate care to help you through this challenging time. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Get in contact with us for a consultation.

  2. Schedule your first session with one of our DC depression therapists.

  3. Start your journey toward a more balanced and fulfilling summer.

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Our caring therapists offer a variety of services to support you and your mental health needs. If you need individual support, we offer Individual Therapy, Executive Function Support, EMDR Therapy, and IFS Therapy. As well as self-esteem counseling, LGBTQIA+ therapy, life transition counseling, and more!

Our therapists are available for both in-person sessions in Washington, DC, and online therapy in Virginia, making it convenient for you to prioritize your healing. We'd love to discuss how we can support your growth in all areas of your life today!


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