Summer Self Care: Strengthening Relationships Through Individual Counseling

Written By: Jane Lim, LICSW, LCSW

A couple sitting on a bench in a park. Showing a couple that has grown after relationship counseling in Washington DC. With support of a therapist for relationships individual therapy can help you connect better with your partner.

Relationships are hard. It can be overwhelming to navigate issues within a relationship. Do you ever feel confused over your own feelings, let alone what your partner is feeling? Are you finding yourself in a repetitive cycle with your partner you can’t seem to get out of? Are you feeling lost on where to start? While the natural conclusion might be to start exploring couples therapy, there may be barriers or reasons why a couple may not choose to start couples therapy.

It’s a lot to manage and couples therapy might be a bigger commitment than something you and your partner are ready for. That’s where individual relationship counseling can come in and offer meaningful support in addressing issues. In many cases, it can actually be more helpful for two people to go through individual relationship counseling first before starting couples therapy. In this blog, we’re taking a deep dive into how individual relationship therapy can help someone address issues in their relationship. It might sound a bit counterintuitive, but stay with me!

Three Benefits of Individual Relationship Counseling in Washington, DC & Virginia

1. Me Time:

We know that therapy can be a helpful space to vent, process emotions, and address issues of all kinds. Individual relationship counseling provides opportunities for someone to learn more about themselves- how they think, how they feel, how they act and so much more. It can open doors to exploring core wounds, deep-rooted negative beliefs about oneself and others, and insecurities that impact the way one interacts with not only their partner but in any relationship- friends, family, coworkers, etc.

Through the process of individual relationship therapy, you get to spend intentional one-on-one time with you and the therapist to learn more about your feelings, your thoughts, your perspectives, and process your own lived experiences. You also get to identify what you want in a relationship and in a partner. It’s a space held for you that is nonjudgmental and safe. You feel empowered to explore these things without the fears of starting a fight, or experiencing a partner’s criticisms or defenses while doing so. Having that space to work on yourself can be a powerful portal toward working on how you show up in your relationships, and better understanding your individual contributions to the joint patterns.

2. POV:

A lesbian couple laughing in the car. Showing how individual relationship counseling can give you perspective. With support of a relationship therapist you can have a better understanding of triggers in your relationship.

There is power in perspectives. Being aware of your own point of view and creating space to explore your partner's point of view is an essential tool to resolve relational issues. Creating space to explore your own perspective on things allows you to get a better understanding of what your triggers are, what are you trying to protect yourself from, and gain insight on your personal patterns of thinking and behaving.

Individual relationship counseling will not only support you with learning about your side of the street, but it can also help you with expanding other possible perspectives. Your relationship therapist can be a helpful tool for reflecting on what possible perspectives your partner may have, or identifying blindspots that you can work through on your own time in a safe space. This can open doors for compassion, empathy, and understanding for your partner.

3. Skill Building:

While working on the components listed above, you will also be learning strategies and techniques to support you with addressing the challenges. Individual relationship counseling can support you with:

  • communication strategies

  • emotion regulation

  • conflict resolution skills

  • processing past trauma and experiences

  • the list goes on

The beauty of individual relationship counseling is that you can practice these skills on your own and on your own timeline. The added pressure may be minimized since the work you do with your relationship therapist is private, and personal to you. In light of that, you can put more focus on the skills and strategies you want to prioritize. You also get to choose how you practice these skills, who you practice it with, and when you practice which can lead to you feeling empowered in taking charge of your own change and growth.

Lastly, a huge benefit of addressing relationship issues in individual relationship therapy is that goals and progress are in your control. You are intentionally working on ways to be the best version of yourself not just within your relationship, but also as an individual. That’s something worth spending your time and energy on because you have control over you, not your partner!

Individual Relationship Counseling Is Not One Size Fits All

To wrap things up, I want you to know that the process of addressing relationship issues is not linear, and certainly not one-size-fits-all all . You can tailor it to what your individual needs are and what your partner's needs may be. Individual relationship counseling is one of many routes to take in addressing relationship issues. So, keep in mind that it isn’t a requirement to go through individual relationship therapy before couples. However, sometimes individual relationship counseling can be the warm-up needed to take the dive into couples therapy.

Partners standing on the beach during sunset. Whether you are single or in a relationship a therapist can help you with your self-care. This part of relationship counseling can help improve you ability to set boundaries and build connections in DC.

My recommendation would be to discuss it with your partner and see what the best next steps are as a couple. Or if you find that you would benefit from the things I shared in the article, consider starting with individual relationship counseling! You might also find that issues can be resolved with the use of individual relationship therapy. In such cases, couples therapy may not be required depending on what you see as the primary struggles in the relationship. Working on “we” sometimes starts with working on “me”, and if this resonates feel free to give TSG a call today for a free 15-minute consultation to talk with our Client Care Coordinator about what may best fit your needs!

Start Individual Relationship Counseling in Washington, DC

I hope this helps you understand how individual relationship counseling can address issues effectively. Personal growth and self-awareness are crucial steps in improving any relationship. If you're ready to take the next step in strengthening your relationship through individual relationship counseling, consider professional guidance. At The Sterling Group in Washington, DC, and Virginia, we offer support and resources to help you on this path. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Get in contact with us for a consultation.

  2. Schedule your first session with one of our relationship therapists.

  3. Start your journey towards becoming a better partner and improving your relationship.

Other Counseling Services We offer in Washington, DC & Virginia

At The Sterling Group, we recognize that you are more than just one aspect of your life. That's why our experienced therapists provide a variety of services. If you need individual support, we offer Individual Therapy, Executive Function Support, EMDR Therapy, and IFS Therapy. As well as self-esteem counseling, LGBTQIA+ therapy, life transition counseling, and more!

Our therapists are available for both in-person sessions in Washington, DC, and online therapy in Virginia, making it convenient for you to prioritize your healing. We'd love to discuss how we can support your growth in all areas of your life today!


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