A Therapist’s Guide to Surviving Move-Related Stress and Anxiety

Man leaning against moving boxes, looking stressed and overwhelmed. Stress and anxiety treatment in DC can help you cope with moving stress. Read more!

Written By: Jane Lim, LGSW, LMSW

At some point in your adult life, you will most likely find yourself moving into a new environment. Whether it’s a new city, new apartment, new roommates, or new home; young adulthood has become somewhat inextricably linked to an ever-changing home environment. Heightened moving months tend to be between May through September, which makes this information ever more pertinent as we head into the summer months. 

Moving is no easy task.

There are so many different elements to consider when moving: location, finances, logistics, timeframe… all while managing work, relationships, and our other daily tasks! It can be overwhelming and overly stressful. We know that high-stress situations can cause an anxiety cycle, which begins when a situation initiates uncomfortable feelings such as stress, racing thoughts, and negative self-talk. Due to these feelings, we tend to use avoidance to cope; whether it’s through procrastination, distractions, or fleeing the situation entirely. Avoidance provides an immediate sense of relief, and calmness. Good, right? Wrong

Avoidance Increases Anxiety

Avoiding a problem is a surefire way to increase anxiety, as the issue is left unresolved. Meanwhile, our brains have learned that avoiding anxiety-inducing situations dissolves the symptoms, leaving us more susceptible to the temptation of avoidance next time. And so begins the cycle of anxiety!

Anxiety flow: Anxiety-induced thought, feeling or behavior, avoidance of the uncomfortable and/or undesired thought, feeling, and/or behavior, brief relief, anxiety grows and worsens.

Strategies to Deal With Moving Anxiety

Fortunately, there are strategies to help reverse this cycle that are specific to managing stress and anxiety relating to moving. If you’re struggling with the stress of an upcoming move, try these steps below:

1) Create a schedule and “to-do” list.

You may be in a space where you feel overwhelmed by logistics and the different tasks that come with moving. An effective way to decrease stress is to get organized. Create a list of tasks you need to complete and when you want to complete them. Write it down on a piece of paper or in your Notes app so you will have a list to refer to and can check off tasks as you complete them.

2) Break down tasks into smaller steps.

Some tasks require more energy and effort than others. Break down large tasks so that the work is specific and appears manageable. Work that appears manageable is work you won’t stress about. Furthermore, when you complete tasks, it naturally feels like a reward, as you’ll have one less thing causing you stress or anxiety. The gratification you’ll feel as you complete tasks will motivate you for the next one. The more tasks you complete, the more accomplished you’ll feel, and the easier your subsequent tasks will appear, so make sure to break those tasks up!

3) Incorporate pockets of joy.

Couple sitting on the floor looking at photos while moving in Virginia, Maryland, or Washington DC. Stress and anxiety treatment in DC can help you!

Moving doesn’t have to be stressful or boring. Find ways to make the task more enjoyable. Try blasting music in the background, put on your favorite show as you pack up your clothes, call a friend/family member to talk to as you pack, listen to a podcast you enjoy, or think of a reward to look forward to; you deserve Chick-fil-A after your hard work! Everyone struggles to some degree to find the motivation to complete mundane tasks. During these times, do whatever you can to add any little bit of joy you can to those tasks and you may find they are much easier to complete.

4) Get creative!

A new place means a fresh start! Break out those Pinterest boards, take a trip to HomeGoods, or pull up your favorite Instagram accounts for inspo to create a space you’re excited about and will feel like home. A new place also means somewhere new to explore. Scout out the area you’re moving to and the places around. Maybe there’s a fancy new coffee shop you’re excited to have around the corner or a cool new restaurant everyone’s dying to try. Even if you already know the area well, maybe you’re that much closer to Starbucks for your daily coffee walk. Finding things to look forward to can help make the move seem more exciting and less stressful!

No matter what, moving is a stressful project.

Don’t be discouraged if you feel overwhelmed; it’s totally normal! Make a list, call a friend, and start designing the home of your dreams to get excited about your upcoming move. 

Woman sitting against her moving boxes, smiling and drinking coffee. Stress and anxiety treatment in DC can help you feel more grounded after a stressful move!

Begin Stress and Anxiety Treatment in Washington, DC, and Virginia

You don’t have to continue letting anxiety and stress take away your joy. The Sterling Group can help you uncover and unlearn the patterns that have crept in and put your life into overwhelm. We will help you take back your life and start living it more joyfully and authentically. Get started with stress and anxiety treatment by following these simple steps:

  1. Schedule a consultation with us using our contact form.

  2. Meet with one of our skilled, stress and anxiety therapists.

  3. Start living a life with more joy! 

Other Services at The Sterling Group

Our skilled therapists offer a range of services if therapy for anxiety is not what you’re needing. If you’re looking for support on an individual level, we offer Individual Therapy and Executive Function Support. We also offer Couples Therapy for those that are looking to grow in their relationships. Additionally, our therapists offer services online or in person to cater to your schedule and make it as easy as possible for you to prioritize your healing. We would love to chat with you today about the ways we can support your growth in all areas of life!


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