How LGBTQ+ Affirming Therapists Create a Safe Environment for Queer Clients

Man with a gay pride flag wrapped around his shoulders facing away from the camera.  Are you struggling with your mental health and having difficulty finding someone who can relate to your situation? LGBTQ+ affirming therapy in DC can help.

Written By: Emma Cook, LICSW, LCSW

LGBTQ+ Affirming Therapy in DC

You may have heard the rhetoric of ‘acceptance’ as it pertains to the LGBTQ+ experience. Our society is learning to shed old beliefs and see all people as individuals deserving of love and support. Acceptance is an integral aspect of affirming therapy, but not the whole picture. LGBTQ+ Affirming therapy goes far beyond just acceptance. our skilled team of therapists at The Sterling Group is here to help in a safe and nonjudgmental environment.

Affirming therapists come equipped with specific knowledge and tools that are catered towards the LGBTQ+ experience. They embrace all identities, are aware of their own biases and assumptions, and actively work to confront these biases so that they can provide inclusive care. Affirming therapists are well versed in helping clients process the impact of homophobia, transphobia, and the variety of other systems of oppression that impact the LGBTQ+ community. 

All of that said, you may be wondering, “Okay, but what does that actually mean for me?”.

Here are five ways that LGBTQ+ Affirming Therapists Create Safe Environments for Queer Clients: 

Small gay pride flags being held in the air by people. Understanding the struggles facing LGBTQ+ individuals takes knowledge and understanding. An LGBTQ+ therapist in DC can meet you where you are at in a safe and supportive environment.

Affirming therapists either belong to the LGBTQ+ community or are competent allies.

Having a shared understanding with your therapist can lead to an increase in vulnerability and progress in the therapeutic process. Allyship can bring an immediate sense of safety; knowing you don’t have to ‘out’ yourself to an unsupportive therapist can bring you so much peace of mind. 

You will not have to educate your therapist on the LBGTQ+ experience.

They will be knowledgeable and competent on the most up to date terminology. When affirming therapists don’t know certain terminology, they don’t rely on you to be their educator. They acknowledge their lack of insight and do their own research in order to be a support, instead of a burden. They will be able to offer you a variety of different resources so that you can grow in your own understanding of your identity. 

You will get to decide how much your identity is a part of the therapy process.

When you do begin to discuss your experience they won’t shy away from the conversation, shut you down, or attribute all of your ‘issues’ to your identity. They will engage with the topic, ask about your boundaries, and help you to explore whatever you choose to explore. 

They will use respectful, inclusive language.

This includes preferred pronouns, nuanced language surrounding gender and sexuality, and relationship labels. They will also help you to find new language, aligned with your lived experience that you may want to use moving forward.

They will discuss topics of oppression and injustice to help you process your own experience.

They will address the systematic oppression the LGBTQ+ community faces and explore your experience and knowledge about this. They will help you to differentiate and better understand the intersectionality of your multiple identities as a complex human being. 

All in all, affirming therapists are here to help you feel cared for, nurtured, and important in whatever way you choose to show up. If you have looked for therapists who are affirming but found it difficult to know who would be a good match, The Sterling Group has affirming therapists ready to meet you and help you feel safe and included. 

Two hands forming a heart framed by a gay pride background. Feeling safe and included in therapy is paramount to building a successful therapist client relationship. Meet with an LGBTQ+ therapist in DC now!

Need support as an LGBTQ+ individual? Therapists in DC can help. 

The LGBTQ+ Affirming therapists at our therapy practice in Washington, DC can help you gain insight and understanding into processing your own life experience and in turn living your best life. Our therapists are here to help guide you on this journey of self-discovery to support your mental health. Let’s get started with these steps.

  1. Schedule a consultation with us using our therapy appointment form.

  2. Meet with one of our skilled therapists.

  3. Live a more balanced and authentic life! 

Other Therapy Services in DC

LGBTQ+ individuals have their own unique set of challenges and our therapists get that. So, we offer a multitude of services to support you. Our individual services include therapy for self-esteem, support for relationship challenges, and exploring identities as well as executive function support. We also offer couples therapy for those that are looking to grow in their relationships. We would love to chat with you today about the ways we can support your growth at our counseling practice serving the Washington, DC area!


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