Frequently Asked Questions When Starting Online EMDR Therapy

Written By: Emma Cook, LICSW

A laptop sits on a green tabletop with a green wall in the background representing the ease of access that Online EMDR Therapy in Washington, DC and Virginia offers to individuals in need.

For many clients, beginning therapy is a significant step, whether in person or an online setting. It is natural for clients to have questions and seek clarification about the process of beginning online EMDR. In my own experience, clients starting EMDR are often curious and want to understand the process before committing. I see this curiosity as a demonstration of the client’s commitment to their own mental well-being and prognosis. Therapy is collaborative, and your therapist should welcome your questions and meet you with guidance and support. These are some common questions I’ve come across when beginning online EMDR therapy with my clients. 

Does online EMDR work as well as in-person EMDR therapy?

In short, yes! When working with a trained and experienced therapist, EMDR has the same effectiveness online as it does in person. A trained EMDR therapist has been educated on the differences between in-person and virtual EMDR. They learn what cues to pay attention to, which helps them stay emotionally attuned while guiding you through reprocessing from a distance. During preparation phases, they may talk with you about finding ways to ground yourself while not in the same room using their voice, the space that each of you is in, or other tools that can be used from a remote location. Research supports that virtual EMDR has the same efficacy as in-person EMDR therapy.

What does the virtual EMDR process look like?

You and your therapist will use a telehealth platform to conduct virtual sessions. This increases accessibility for clients with demanding schedules, decreased mobility, or other limiting factors. At The Sterling Group, our EMDR-trained therapists use a secondary EMDR platform to control the bilateral stimulation you will receive. They are able to offer a tailored experience where you can choose visual or auditory bilateral stimulation. The therapist controls the speed and intervals at which you process an experience. All of this is determined in the preparation stage. Once you move into the desensitization stage, your therapist will routinely guide you through grounding and calming techniques at a distance to close your session. 

A young woman sits at her laptop preparing to participate in Online EMDR Therapy in Virginia and Washington, DC.

How will I create privacy when doing EMDR virtually if I am not in a therapy office?

Your therapist will discuss privacy concerns before starting EMDR. When attending in-person EMDR sessions, it can be easier for the therapist to create a private, calm, and quiet environment. You will discuss how to replicate this in the location you choose for your virtual sessions. Your therapist will problem-solve with you to ensure the space you are in is quiet and secluded with minimal distractions. You may want to be mindful of a space that won’t be interrupted by a partner, co-worker, or strangers. Adding items to your space that create a sense of calm, and safety is also an important consideration. Bring a warm blanket, soft pillows, comforting pictures, or calming objects. Make your space an intentional area for healing. 

What technological devices do I need for virtual EMDR?

You will need a reliable internet connection, a computer or tablet, and headphones. Your therapist will help you test your auditory bilateral stimulation prior to the start of your EMDR session, which requires alternating sounds in the right and left ear. If you choose to use visual bilateral stimulation, you will need a screen that is larger than a smartphone in order for your eyes to track the full range of motion. No other technology is required. 

How do we use eye movements in virtual EMDR?

The bilateral eye movements are prompted by a moving dot on a screen (similar to a light bar). You will track the dot side-to-side at a speed that feels comfortable for you. Your therapist may also use hand movements if that feels appropriate. 

A bed set up with a laptop and notebook in order to do Online EMDR Therapy in Washington, DC and Virginia.

Are there any limitations to virtual EMDR?

As with every type of therapy, there are some limitations to doing online EMDR. Some clients may not have a reliable private space to conduct sessions. You may not have access to the tactile technology that is helpful for some clients. Replicating eye movements virtually can prove difficult at times, particularly with lags in internet connection. Without proper training, it can be difficult for therapists to pick up on non-verbal cues which help them to assess your emotional state. Some clients are not suitable for virtual EMDR due to a variety of concerns. These concerns include severe psychiatric or medical conditions, high levels of dissociation, or complex trauma. In these cases, it could be more appropriate for therapists to be close by in order to provide immediate support. Your therapist will collaborate with you to assess whether virtual EMDR is the most appropriate treatment for you. 

Some Final Thoughts From an EMDR Therapist

In my practice, I have seen online EMDR help my clients in profound ways. It is important to think through the differences and ask lots of questions. It is normal to want to understand how it works and make an informed decision about the type of care you want to receive. If you try virtual EMDR and you discover that it is not right for you, there are many other options and therapeutic modalities for healing! Do not underestimate the power of finding what works for you, and be sure to speak up when something doesn’t feel right. 

Are You Ready to Start Online EMDR Therapy in Virginia and Washington, DC? Reach Out Today.

If you're considering online EMDR therapy, you may wonder about its effectiveness and accessibility. Online EMDR Therapy can be just as effective as in-person therapy when conducted by a trained therapist. You'll use a telehealth platform for sessions, making therapy more accessible. However, it may not be suitable for everyone, so your therapist will assess your needs. Remember, finding the right therapy for you is crucial, and it's okay to ask questions and explore different options for healing.

  1. Schedule a consultation with us using our contact form.

  2. Meet with one of our EMDR therapists.

  3. Release Yourself from Feeling Stuck and Move Forward with EMDR Therapy

Other Therapy Services at The Sterling Group

At our Washington DC-based therapy practice, we understand that trauma often manifests in various aspects of your life. With EMDR therapy, we can address these underlying issues and provide the help you need. However, there may be other areas of your life that need attention. That’s why we offer a multitude of services to support you. Our individual services include therapy for relationship challenges, therapy for developing identities and self-esteem, depression treatment, therapy for stress & anxiety, as well as executive function support. We also offer couples therapy for those who are looking to grow in their relationships. We would love to chat with you today about the ways we can support your growth at our counseling practice serving the Washington, DC area and Online in Virginia!


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